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About this webinar

This coffee break webinar is part of a series of webinars which will be given this year and that are all focusing on Use.  

Yvonne Noorlander will host the webinar on ‘genuine use’, following Pieter Veeze’s previous webinar centered around ‘acquired distinctiveness through use’. Towards the end of this year, Tineke Van Hoey wraps up with a webinar on ‘reputation’.

  • 15 minutes live webinar  
  • Participation is free of charge
  • The webinar is in English

What you will take away from the webinar  
After this ultra-short BOIP coffee break webinar, you will know how to effectively demonstrate genuine use by means of useful insights, provided to you during this webinar. Through real-life examples we will explore the parameters encompassing genuine use. 
During the webinar it will be possible to ask questions via chat. Our experts will answer your questions. 

Series webinars on Use 
This webinar is part of a series of coffee break webinars that we will organise this year and in which we are focusing on Use. The series is divided into three subjects:  
  1. Acquired distinctiveness 
  2. Genuine use 
  3. Reputation 

Stay tuned for the following coffee break webinars on Use!  ​​​​​​​
Webinar: Use part II - Genuine use 
Thursday 13 June, 10:30 - 10.45 h. 

Presentation by
Yvonne Noorlander, Legal Officer
Benelux Office for Intellectual Property

15 minutes


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