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About this webinar

Article 2.2bis(1)(h) BCIP provides that trademarks containing flags, emblems, and other official signs and hallmarks of countries or international organisations, without the authorisation of the competent authorities, must be refused under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention. What exactly does Article 6ter stipulate and how does BOIP apply the 6ter ground for refusal in practice? 
  • 15 minutes live webinar  
  • Participation is free of charge
  • The webinar is in English

What you will take away from the webinar  
After this ultra-short BOIP coffee break webinar you will know how BOIP deals with applications for trademarks containing flags or parts thereof. You can then take that into account if you are planning on registering a trademark containing a flag. You will also come away with something to discuss during the coffee break.
During the webinar it will be possible to ask questions via chat. Our experts will answer your questions directly. 
Webinar: Flags in trademarks - what do you need to know?​​​​​​​
Tuesday 26 September, 10.30 - 10.45 h. 

Presentation by
Tineke van Hoey, Legal Officer
Benelux Office for Intellectual Property

15 minutes


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